Payment methods

Ask us for the current exchange rate

Click below on your preferred method to see details. After your payment please send us your receipt via email or whatsapp

- Zelle
- Cash (in person)
- Bank transfer
- Card deposits via OXXO convenience store
- PayPal*

*This payment method require a 5% extra fee


Dive certifications require a non refundable $3,000 MXN advance payment per person which grants PADI E-learning material and course confirmation.

Dive services require a $1,500 MXN advance payment per person, per day to be confirmed.

Private boat services require a 50% advance payment to be confirmed

Cancellation policy

Cancellations made by customers due to change of plans, illness or any other reason:
- More than 36 hours notice: full refund
- Between 36 and 18 hours notice: 50% refund
- Less than 18 hours notice or no show: no refund

Cancellations due to port closures by Harbour Master orders, will result in activities reescheduling or full refund.

Please note that raining does not affect dive operation and cannot be taken as cancellation motive for refunding.